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In Memoriam - Hans Toch
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Articles and op-eds (newest on top)
How to Defuse Police-Civilian Encounters (The Crime Report, July 18, 2022)
Memo to Joe Biden: Focus on Neighborhood Safety (The Crime Report, Dec. 7, 2020)
Why Do Officers Succeed? (Police Chief magazine, July 2020, p. 26)
Want an Assault Weapons Ban That Works? Focus on Ballistics. (Washington Post, Dec. 6, 2019)
Ex-ATF Agent: America is Only Pretending to Regulate Lethal Firearms (Washington Post, Dec. 8, 2015)
The Craft of Policing Paper presented in 2005 at the Law Academy of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk.
Tookie’s Fate is the Wrong Debate (Los Angeles Times, Dec. 8, 2005)
Davis is Paying For a Big Transgression (Los Angeles Times, Aug 6, 2003)
Police Are Pressured to Cross the Line (Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2000)
Sources of Crime Guns in Los Angeles, California (Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 21:2, 220-239, 1998)
From Morals to Practice: Dilemmas of Control in Undercover Policing (Crime, Law and Social Change 18, 137-158, 1992)
Production and Craftsmanship in Police Narcotics Enforcement (Journal of Police Science and Administration, 13:4, 263-274, 1985)
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Assault on the Capitol (special topic) collected essays
Who’s Under the Gun? The FBI, That’s Whom Going after the FBI for going after the Capitol rioters
Cop? Terrorist? Both? As America polarizes, some police officers leap into the arms of “Q”
Chaos in D.C. Rioters overrun the Capitol. Are police to blame?
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Bail and Sentence Reform (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays
Citizen Misbehavior Breeds Voter Discontent Progressive agendas face rebuke in even the “Bluest” of places (x-ref from CP)
De-Prosecution? What’s That? Philadelphia’s D.A. eased up on lawbreakers. Did it increase crime? (x-ref from CP)
A Broken “System” Exploiting yet another break, a parolee absconds. He wounds three police officers, and society shrugs. (x-ref from CP)
Judicial Detachment: Myth or Reality? A Supreme Court candidate gets slammed for liberal bias (x-ref from CP)
Cause and Effect California eased up on punishing theft. Did it increase crime? Embolden thieves? (x-ref from CP)
Must the Door Revolve? Bail and sentencing reform come. Then stuff happens. (x-ref from CP)
The Bail Conundrum Bail obviously disadvantages the poor. What are the alternatives? (x-ref from CP)
The Blame Game Inmates are “realigned” from state to county supervision. Then a cop gets killed. (x-ref from CP)
More Criminals (On the Street), Less Crime? Debating the virtues of a less punitive agenda (x-ref from CP)
Rewarding the Naughty A California ballot measure would reduce many felonies to misdemeanors (x-ref from CP)
Catch and Release Sometimes there really is no substitute for common sense (x-ref from ST)
Catch and Release II An “evidence-based” pre-trial release program lands Milwaukee in a pickle (x-ref from ST)
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Compliance and Force (newest on top) collected essays
Point of View Do scholars really “get” the craft of policing?
“Distraction Strike”? Angry Punch? Both? When cops get rattled, the distinction may ring hollow
Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight Cops carry guns. Some citizens flaunt knives. Are poor outcomes inevitable?
Are Civilians Too Easy on the Police? (II) Exonerated of murder, but not yet done
Confirmation Bias can be Lethal Why did a “routine” traffic stop cost a Philadelphia man’s life?
What Cops Face America’s violent atmosphere can distort officer decisions
San Antonio Blues Poverty – and what it brings – can impair the quality of policing
Piling On Swarming unruly citizens and pressing them to the ground invites disaster
When Worlds Collide Wary cops, uncompliant citizens and troubled communities
On the One Hand...But on the Other... California’s lethal force laws devolve into a legal Neverland
Blows to the Head Were Never O.K. Cameras are everywhere, yet an abhorrent practice continues
What Were They Thinking? (II) Examining six recent (and notorious) uses of force
What Were They Thinking? And Why? (I) Violent communities frighten their inhabitants. And their cops.
Tenacity is Great - Until it’s Not An aggressive citizen, a dogged cop, and a tragic outcome
Who’s in Charge? An eager cop rushes in and opens fire. He kills the suspect. And an innocent child.
Is the “Cure” Worse Than the “Disease”? Dem’s push the “George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.” Its consequences could be profound.
Want Happy Endings? Don’t Chase Pursuits can lead to tragedy. Options are often available.
White on Black Should Black citizens fear White cops?
Black on Black Are Black citizens better off with Black cops?
“SWAT” is a Verb Officers join specialized teams for a reason
Violent and Vulnerable Some combative citizens may be at heightened risk of death
Is it Ever OK to Shoot Someone in the Back? (Part II) In Atlanta, a “routine” encounter turns lethal. Instantly, the deplorable outcome is attributed to race.
Fair But Firm Gaining voluntary compliance is the sine qua non of everyday policing. Indeed, of everyday life.
When Must Cops Shoot? (II) “An ounce of prevention…” (Ben Franklin, 1736) (x-ref from ST)
When Must Cops Shoot? (I) Four notorious incidents; four dead citizens. What did officers face? (x-ref from ST)
A Workplace Without Pity Doing right by the public might mean doing wrong to the cop
Can You Enforce Without Force? Decriminalizing illegal immigration would have serious consequences (x-ref from Immigration)
Informed and Lethal Confirmation bias, on steroids
A Not-So-Magnificent Obsession Lapses in policing lead to chronic rulemaking. Does it hit the mark?
Is it Ever OK to Shoot Someone in the Back? Laws, policies and politics clash with the messiness of policing
There’s No “Pretending” a Gun Sometimes split-second decisions are right, even when they’re wrong
A Reason? Or Just an Excuse? Figuring out why officers kill persons “armed” with a cell phone
Three (In?)explicable Shootings Grievous police blunders keep costing citizen lives. Why?
Are Civilians Too Easy on the Police? When attempts are made to sanction cops, citizens often get in the way
An Illusory Consensus II Good intentions don’t always translate into good policy
An Illusory “Consensus” America’s police leaders agree on the use of force. Or do they?
Is it Always About Race? Unruly citizens and streets brimming with guns make risk-tolerance a very hard sell
Good Guy/Bad Guy/Black Guy (Part II) Aggressive crime-fighting strategies can exact an unintended toll
Good Guy/Bad Guy/Black Guy (Part I) Do cops use race to decide who poses a threat?
More Rules, Less Force? PERF promotes written guidelines to reduce the use of force. Cops aren’t happy.
Working Scared Fearful, ill-trained and poorly supervised cops are tragedies waiting to happen
De-escalation: Cure, Buzzword or a Bit of Both? As bad shootings dominate the headlines, cops and politicians scramble for answers
Does Race Matter? (Part II) The Philadelphia story, and its implications for urban policing
Does Race Matter? (Part I) Police killings of black persons roil the nation
Lessons of Ferguson When cops and aggressive citizens tangle, lethal results often follow
A Very Hot Summer Five incidents reignite concerns about police use of force
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (L.A. Edition) Officer missteps carry big price tags
Three Perfect Storms Scared cops and unruly young men prove a lethal combination
A Dead Marine, and a lot of Questions Failure to properly contain a situation can leave deadly force as the only option
Making Sausage Delivering a blow looks nasty, but it can be vastly preferable to the alternatives
Policing is a Contact Sport (Part II) Tasers are useful. But they’re not risk-free, and over-reliance is a problem.
Policing is a Contact Sport (Part I) How did the Taser’s reputation reach such a low point?
Homeless, Mentally Ill, Dead Officers may have beat a troubled man to death. But we all share in the blame.
First, Do No Harm Just how intrusive should patrol be?
Sometimes a Drunk With a Knife is Just That Feel-good rhetoric can’t substitute for deadly-force alternatives and frequent training
Every Cop Needs a Taser There must be a way for three officers to handle a drunk with a knife short of killing him
Dancing With Hooligans For street cops every day’s a reality show. And that reality is often unpleasant.
Is It When to Chase? Or If? Ten days and twenty-five hundred miles apart, two pursuits end in tragedy
Making Time Split-second decisions can end in tragedy
It’s Now L.A.’s Problem A cop’s tragic fumble turns into a cause célèbre. What will happen if he’s acquitted?
The Chase is On Are foot pursuits prone to result in bad shootings?
Kicking a Suspect When He’s Down There may be an explanation for kicking a compliant suspect in the head, but there’s no excuse
Good Cop / Bad Cop NYPD’s handling of a student protest may have missed its mark
To Err is Human, to Prevent is Divine Admitting that cops make mistakes can prevent tragedies
Tasering a Youngster is Wrong, Except When it’s Not Should police have zapped a violent 12-year old?
Oakland BART Shooting: A Tragedy, Yes -- But is it Murder? It’s not the first time that a cop accidentally drew a gun
Is it Too Easy to Zap? An invaluable tool is threatened by abuse
When Cops Kill (Part II) Why are some officers repetitively involved in questionable shootings?
When Cops Kill Individual differences are key to understanding why some cops shoot
Assisted suicide is not police work! Less-than-lethal weapons can keep cops from becoming executioners
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Conduct and Ethics (newest on top) collected essays
“Numbers” Rule - Everywhere Production pressures can degrade what’s “produced” – and not just in policing
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (III) Citizens misbehave. Cops answer in kind.
Watching the Watchers Will sanctioning its cops bring Minneapolis back?
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (II) In Memphis, unremitting violence helps sabotage the craft
Does Race Drive Policing? Renewed concerns that police target Black persons roil Los Angeles
In Two Fell Swoops Ideological struggles buffet California traffic cops and Austin police
What’s Up With Policing? After one and one-half decades it seems that everything’s changed. And nothing.
Full Stop Ahead Floyd and the virus upend policing. Some cops react poorly.
Another Victim: The Craft of Policing Ronald Greene succumbed to police abuse one year before George Floyd. How they perished was appallingly similar.
Third, Fourth and Fifth Chances Some cops repeatedly avoid meaningful sanctions. Then disaster strikes.
Select - Don’t “Elect” When top cops are elected, controls fly out the window
Turning Cops Into Liars Keeping score can distort what officers do
Gold Badges can be the Problem “Ordinary” cops often know what’s best. They should act on it.
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job An officer metes out his brand of discipline. He then faces society’s version.
When Should Cops Lie? NYPD detectives tweak an old approach. But lying is still lying.
A Recipe for Disaster Take an uncertain workplace. Toss in a “mission impossible” and pressures to produce. Voila!
Two Sides of the Same Coin Street gangs and officer cliques have a lot in common
Police Slowdowns (Part II) Cops can’t fix what ails America’s inner cities – and shouldn’t try
Police Slowdowns Bedeviled by scolding, cops hold back. What happens then?
Why do Cops Lie? Often, for the same reasons as their managers
Why Do Cops Succeed? Shifting resources from finding fault to studying success
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished To avoid anointing Trump, the FBI Director falls into a trap of his own making
Words Matter In a conflicted, gun-saturated land, heated rhetoric threatens cops’ effectiveness – and their lives
Intended or not, a Very Rough Ride A hung jury and two acquittals mar a prosecutor’s crusade against police violence
Orange is the New Brown L.A.’s past sheriff and undersheriff pack their bags for Hotel Fed.
Role Reversal Chicago’s falling apart. Who can make the violence stop?
Cooking the Books Has LAPD been using whiteout to fight crime?
Wanted: Dead or Alive A reward was offered: now all that’s left is to pay
DOJ v. Sheriff Joe On a mission to quash illegal immigration, a mercurial Arizona sheriff tangles with the Feds
Arresting the Victim A 17-year old girl is arrested for not showing up at the trial of her alleged rapist
The Numbers Game A leaked NYPD internal report confirms that crime stat’s were fudged
L.A.S.D. Blue “We police ourselves,” insists Sheriff Baca. But running a department takes a lot more.
N.Y.P.D. Blue Allegations of misconduct and corruption beset the nation’s largest police force
Rush to Judgment Did cops and prosecutors in L.A. and New York act too hastily? And if so, why?
Meltdown in SoCal When thinking “troubled police,” Southern California doesn’t usually come to mind. Well, think again.
Be Careful What You Wish For Seattle PD chief welcomes DOJ investigation, calls it a “free audit”
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely Hours before leaving office, Schwarzenegger commutes the sentence of a friend’s son
Answering to a Different Authority When it comes to the death penalty, a would-be Attorney General’s fealty to the law has its limits
Never Having to Say You’re Sorry The limits – if any – of prosecutorial immunity are the focus of a new Supreme Court case
Before JetBlue There Was Major Dymovsky A Russian cop bails out (figuratively) over corruption. Should we pay attention?
Extreme Measures (Part II) Turning cops into immigration agents invites misconduct and corruption.
A Cop’s Dilemma When duty and self-interest collide, ethics can fly out the window
A Ticking Time-Bomb Twenty-four years after being let off the hook, a murderous woman goes on a rampage
Liars Figure Pressured by Compstat, police commanders cook the books
Truth or Consequences A Sheriff needlessly entangles himself, and his agency, in a web of deceit
Ignorance is Not Bliss Playing ostrich about officer misconduct doesn’t make it go away
He Said That She Said...But Did She? Does the Cambridge PD report truthfully reflect what a witness said?
When (Very) Hard Heads Collide A professor and a cop revive the race debate. But was it really about that?
Reversal of Fortune No longer a senator or felon, Ted Stevens chuckles as prosecutors feel the heat
You Can Take the Man Out of Chicago... President Obama’s appointments belie his reformist message
What Does it Take to Get Fired? When citizen review panels overrule the Chief, discipline suffers
Troubles at the Top Saying “no” costs Alaska’s top cop his job
Lying: The Gift That Keeps on Giving Deceiving suspects to get them to confess can backfire
Justice was His Client A prosecutor chooses between what’s right and what’s expedient
Hoisted by His Own Petard Pornography, a Federal judge discovers, is in the eye of the beholder
Following the Rules Over a Cliff Legal ethics aren’t an end: they’re a means
Accountability? Not if you’re a Sheriff Popularity contests are no way to select law enforcement officers
Mission not accomplished Supervisors’ refusal to exercise oversight leaves the Sheriff unaccountable
Ex-Commish leaves Carona in the dust How law enforcement executives are selected is crucial
You can’t manage your way out of Rampart Pressures from above and a drive to succeed can distort officer behavior
Flash: Whitehouse tortures Mukasey! For the would-be Attorney General, waterboarding isn’t torture, unless it is
We Get the Cops We Deserve There’s a big difference between working mistakes and willful misconduct
Dilemmas of control in undercover policing (1992)
The craft of policing (.pdf)
Production & craftsmanship in police narcotics enforcement (.pdf)
“Police are Pressured to Cross the Line,” op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, 5/11/00
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COVID-19 (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays
Full Stop Ahead Floyd and the virus upend policing. Some cops react poorly. (x-ref from CE)
A Conflicted Mission An ideologically-fraught quarrel poses unique challenges
Letting Go Who should stay locked up during the pandemic? Who can go?
Covid-19: RIP Policing? Crime-fighters confront the challenges of coronavirus
All updates
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Craft of Policing (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays
Point of View Do scholars really “get” the craft of policing?
“Numbers” Rule - Everywhere Production pressures can degrade what’s “produced” – and not just in policing (x-ref from C & E)
De-Prosecution? What’s That? Philadelphia’s D.A. eased up on lawbreakers. Did it increase crime? (x-ref from CP)
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Cop Recent exonerees set soul-wrenching records for length of wrongful imprisonment (x-ref from WC)
Are Civilians Too Easy on the Police? (II) Exonerated of murder, but not yet done (x-ref from CF)
Warning: (Frail) Humans at Work Amid chaos and uncertainty, the presence of a gun can prove lethal (x-ref from ST)
Confirmation Bias can be Lethal Why did a “routine” traffic stop cost a Philadelphia man’s life? (x-ref from CF)
When (Very) Hard Heads Collide (II) What should cops do when miscreants refuse to comply? Refuse to comply? (x-ref from ST)
What Cops Face America’s violent atmosphere can distort officer decisions (x-ref from CF)
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (III) Citizens misbehave. Cops answer in kind. (x-ref from C & E)
San Antonio Blues Poverty – and what it brings – can impair the quality of policing (x-ref from CF)
Watching the Watchers Will sanctioning its cops bring Minneapolis back? (x-ref from C & E)
Piling On Swarming unruly citizens and pressing them to the ground invites disaster (x-ref from CF)
When Worlds Collide Wary cops, uncompliant citizens and troubled communities (x-ref from CF)
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (II) In Memphis, unremitting violence helps sabotage the craft (x-ref from C & E)
Damn the Evidence - Full Speed Ahead! Lousy policing and thoughtless prosecution cost three innocent men decades in prison (x-ref from WC)
Another Victim: The Craft of Policing Ronald Greene succumbed to police abuse one year before George Floyd. How they perished was appallingly similar. (x-ref from C & E)
Turning Cops Into Liars Keeping score can distort what officers do (x-ref from CE)
Can the Urban Ship be Steered? Seasoned police leadership. Yet the violence continues. (x-ref from ST)
A Recipe for Disaster Take an uncertain workplace. Toss in a “mission impossible” and pressures to produce. Voila! (x-ref from CE)
Driven to Fail Numbers-driven policing can’t help but offend. What are the options? (x-ref from ST)
Fewer Can Be Better Murder clearances have declined. Should we worry? (x-ref from WC)
Why do Cops Lie? Often, for the same reasons as their managers (x-ref from CE)
People do Forensics Conflicts about oversight neglect a fundamental issue (x-ref from TF)
Guilty Until Proven Innocent Pressures to solve notorious crimes can lead to tragic miscarriages of justice (x-ref from WC)
Cooking the Books Has LAPD been using whiteout to fight crime? (x-ref from CE)
Quantity, Quality and the NYPD Has a preoccupation with “numbers” compromised craftsmanship? (x-ref from ST)
The Numbers Game A leaked NYPD internal report confirms that crime stat’s were fudged (x-ref from CE)
More Labs Under the Gun Resource issues, poor oversight and pressures to produce keep plaguing crime labs (x-ref from TF)
A Cop’s Dilemma When duty and self-interest collide, ethics can fly out the window (x-ref from CE)
Liars Figure Pressured by Compstat, police commanders cook the books (x-ref from CE)
Too Much of a Good Thing? NYPD’s expansive use of stop-and-frisk may threaten the tactic’s long-term viability (x-ref from ST)
An Epidemic of Busted Tail Lights LAPD struggles over claims of racial profiling (x-ref from ST)
You can’t manage your way out of Rampart Pressures from above and a drive to succeed can distort officer behavior (x-ref from CE)
Damned if they do, even if they could Pressures to make arrests distract FBI agents from pursuing worthwhile targets (x-ref from T)
The craft of policing (.pdf)
Production & craftsmanship in police narcotics enforcement (.pdf)
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Crime and Punishment (newest on top) collected essays
Citizen Misbehavior Breeds Voter Discontent Progressive agendas face rebuke in even the “Bluest” of places
Want Brotherly Love? Don’t Be Poor! Violence is down in Philly, L.A. and D.C. Have the poor noticed?
Is Crime Really Down? It Depends... Even when citywide numbers improve, place really matters
De-Prosecution? What’s That? Philadelphia’s D.A. eased up on lawbreakers. Did it increase crime?
America’s Violence-Beset Capital City Washington, D.C. is plagued by, among other things, murder. Has the President noticed?
See No Evil - Hear No Evil Is the violent crime “problem” really all in our heads?
Policing Can’t Fix What Really Ails California’s posturing overlooks a chronic issue
Good News/Bad News When citywide crime “falls,” who benefits?
Is Diversion the Answer? California authorized a new approach. Los Angeles ran with it. But, yes, there are limits.
A Broken “System” Exploiting yet another break, a parolee absconds. He wounds three police officers, and society shrugs.
Worlds Apart...Not! Violence-wise, poor neighborhoods in Oakland and Houston aren’t so different
Hard Times in “The Big Easy” In New Orleans, poverty and crime go together like, well…
When Does Evidence Suffice? Jurors may be more likely to give circumstances their due
Judicial Detachment: Myth or Reality? A Supreme Court candidate gets slammed for liberal bias
What’s Up? Violence. Where? Where Else? As usual, poor neighborhoods shoulder most of the burden
Cause and Effect California eased up on punishing theft. Did it increase crime? Embolden thieves?
“Woke” up, America! Violence besets poor neighborhoods. So why should the well-off care?
Let’s Stop Pretending Cops can’t correct what most needs fixing
The Usual Victims Violent crime is reportedly way up. But do we all suffer equally?
Don’t “Divest” - Invest! Stripping money from the police is foolish. So is ignoring the plight of poverty-stricken neighborhoods.
But is it Really “Satan”? A Sheriff’s lament reflects the hopelessness of urban decay
Place Matters Desperate to avoid controversy, politicians avoid the obvious
Must the Door Revolve? Bail and sentencing reform come. Then stuff happens.
Human Renewal Despite redevelopment, South Bend poverty and crime remain locked in an embrace
Repeat After Us: “City” is Meaningless When it comes to crime, it’s neighborhoods that count
Can You Enforce Without Force? Decriminalizing illegal immigration would have serious consequences
Mission Impossible? Inner-city violence calls for a lot more than cops. Is America up to the task?
The Bail Conundrum Bail obviously disadvantages the poor. What are the alternatives?
No One Wants Ex-Cons to Have Guns The New York Times affirms its liberal cred’s. And falls into a rabbit hole.
The Blame Game Inmates are “realigned” from state to county supervision. Then a cop gets killed.
Be Careful What You Brag About (Part II) Citywide crime statistics are ripe for misuse
Be Careful What You Brag About (Part I) Is the Big Apple’s extended crime drop all it seems to be?
Is Crime Up or Down? Well, it Depends It depends on where one sits, when we compare, and on who counts
Role Reversal Chicago’s falling apart. Who can make the violence stop?
Is Trump Right About the Inner Cities? America’s low-income communities desperately need a New Deal
Getting out of Dodge For families caught in dangerous neighborhoods, there is one option
Location, Location, Location Crime happens. To find out why, look to where.
More Criminals (On the Street), Less Crime? Debating the virtues of a less punitive agenda
Rewarding the Naughty A California ballot measure would reduce many felonies to misdemeanors
Is the Pot Debate Coming to a Head? Two states have approved its recreational use. What will the Feds do?
You Think You’re Upset? Criminologists demand that kingpins be held criminally liable for the financial mess
From Brady to the Confrontation Clause Continuing our roundup of Supreme Court criminal cases in a very busy term
Faster, Cheaper, Worse Rehabilitation doesn’t lend itself to shortcuts. Neither does research and evaluation.
From Eyewitnesses to GPS An unusually rich set of criminal cases are on the Supreme Court’s agenda
Did Georgia Execute an Innocent Man? Part III - A Question of Certainty Controversial recantations and over-reliance on affidavits helped seal Troy Davis’ fate
Did Georgia Execute an Innocent Man? Part II - Juicing it Up Prosecutors wanted a slam-dunk case. They figured out how to get one.
Did Georgia Execute an Innocent Man? (Part I) Deconstructing the murder of a Savannah police officer, with no axe to grind
The Church, Absolved Victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy scream “whitewash” over John Jay’s report
Physician, Heal Thyself Pharmaceuticals are America’s new scourge. So who’s been writing the prescriptions?
Reform and Blowback A bad economy spurs more lenient sentencing. And warnings about its consequences.
Ignoring the Obvious Is incapacitation passé?
Is the UCR Being Mugged? And if so, by whom? A mayors’ group blasts a publisher for ranking cities by their crime rates
(Merrily) Slippin’ Down the Slope First out the gate with medical marijuana, California considers legalizing its recreational use
Who Deserves a Break? And How Would We Know? A Sheriff’s lieutenant urges cops to consider the individual before making an arrest
A Nation of Liars Mortgage fraud, ordinary people and the Great Recession
Extreme Measures Angry over Federal dithering, Arizona enacts its own immigration laws
The Great Debate (Part II) Violence is the problem. Is harsh sentencing the solution?
The Great Debate (Part I) Who should go to prison? For how long?
Tinkering With the Machinery of Death Academics prove that the death penalty works. And that it doesn’t.
An Illusion of Control Can dangerous out-of-State parolees be adequately supervised?
The New Normal In the industrial belt, poverty and violence are no joke
What Really Went on at Neverland? Distrustful of the State’s witnesses, jurors could only wonder: was Michael Jackson’s home a pedophile’s lair?
With Some Mistakes There’s No Going Back In capital cases finality of the process must take a back seat
What’s the Guvernator Been Smoking? Legalizing marijuana shouldn’t just rest on economics
Carona Five, Feds One (But the Feds Won) Convicted of corruption, Orange County’s ex-Sheriff breathes a sigh of relief
How Many Lawyers Does it Take...? The weight of the Feds falls on a misguided Missouri mom
It’s Good to be Rich When it comes to justice, there’s no substitute for money
Sometimes You Have to Throw Away the Key Violence by the young is still violence
Lock ‘em Up & Send the Bill to Venezuela How mandatory sentencing victimizes the public
The Tragedy of Jessica’s Law Sex offender hysteria drains resources
Tookie’s fate is the wrong debate Capital punishment isn’t just wrong: it’s un-American
They Did Their Jobs Jurors freed Michael Jackson for a reason
Looking Beyond the Gun Barrel Trying to draw lessons from a wave of senseless shootings
Why the Drop? Crime has been falling. Does anyone know why?
I Drink, You Lose Wine is still alcohol. And alcohol kills.
Safe at Home -- Not! The presence of guns can instigate violence
A Tale of Three Cities Declines in manufacturing are associated with crime
Hollywood’s killing us Exposing impressionable youth to violent images for the sake of a buck
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Drug and pot legalization (special topic) (newest on top) All updates collected essays
Shutting the Barn Door Three years into its ambitious experiment, Oregon moves to re-criminalize hard drugs
Does Legal Pot Drive Violence? Marijuana affects judgment. But what do the numbers say?
Sanctuary Cities, Sanctuary States (Part II) Should states legalize recreational pot?
Is the Pot Debate Coming to a Head? Two states have approved its recreational use. What will the Feds do?
(Merrily) Slippin’ Down the Slope First out the gate with medical marijuana, California considers legalizing its recreational use
What’s the Guvernator Been Smoking? Legalizing marijuana shouldn’t just rest on economics
National Institute of Drug Abuse NIDA 2020 drug use survey
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George Floyd (special topic) collected essays video compilation of encounter
Murder of George Floyd
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job An officer metes out his brand of discipline. He then faces society’s version.
State trial of Derek Chauvin
Slugging it Out Before the Fight Pretrial evidentiary battles give the State an edge
Daily account of trial proceedings
Post-trial motions and updates
Federal trial of Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao
Ex-Cops on Federal Trial Chauvin’s colleagues face Federal civil rights charges
Daily account of trial proceedings
State prosecution of Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao
Ex-Cops Face State Charges Trial Lane, Kueng and Thao are accused of aiding and abetting 2nd. deg. murder and 2nd. deg. manslaughter
Summary and charges
Pretrial motions
Pleas and sentences
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Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (III) Citizens misbehave. Cops answer in kind. (x-ref from C & E)
Watching the Watchers Will sanctioning its cops bring Minneapolis back? (x-ref from C & E)
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (II) In Memphis, unremitting violence helps sabotage the craft (x-ref from C & E)
Full Stop Ahead Floyd and the virus upend policing. Some cops react poorly. (x-ref from CE)
Is the “Cure” Worse Than the “Disease”? Dem’s push the “George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.” Its consequences could be profound. (x-ref from CF)
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Gun Control (newest on top) collected essays
All in the Family (II) A decade after Part I, domestic killings remain commonplace
Prevention Through Preemption Expanding the scope of policing beyond making arrests
Kids With Guns Ready access and permissive laws create a daunting problem
Ideology (Still) Trumps Reason When it comes to gun laws, “Red” and “Blue” remain in the driver’s seat
Houston, We Have (Another) Problem Fueled by assault rifles, “senseless” murders plague the land
“Legal” Gun Buyers Can be a Problem They figure in many killings, as both doers and enablers
Fearful, Angry, Fuzzy-headed. And Armed. Do “Stand Your Ground” laws increase armed violence?
Are We Helpless to Prevent Massacres? A murderous rampage in Nashville suggests that lawmaking is not a solution
Loopholes are (Still) Lethal Massacres prove no match for America’s intractable gun culture
Good Law / Bad Law When it comes to gun laws, it’s all in the eyes of the beholder
Another Day, Another Massacre Pretending to regulate has consequences
Our Never-Ending American Tragedy California’s gun laws are the “strongest in the U.S.” Tell that to its citizens. And its cops.
Don’t Like the Rules? Change Them! Partisanship shapes how gun laws are interpreted. And when the other side takes over, the fight is on!
Four Weeks, Six Massacres Would stronger gun laws help? We crunch the numbers. They’re not reassuring.
Two Weeks, Four Massacres A troubled Colorado man buys a “pistol.” Six days later ten innocents lie dead.
One Week, Two Massacres An Atlanta man buys a pistol. Hours later eight persons lie dead.
Loopholes are Lethal (Part II) Who can buy a gun? Indeed, just what is a gun? Um, let’s pretend!
Loopholes are Lethal (Part I) Federal gun laws are tailored to limit their impact. And the consequences can be deadly.
Going Ballistic Stop with the tangential! Gun lethality is, first and foremost, about the projectile
A Distinction Without a Difference An epidemic of police officer suicide raises the question: do guns cause violence?
Red Flag at Half Mast II Preventing more than suicides may carry serious risks
Red Flag at Half Mast California’s Guv nixes expanded protections against risky gun owners
No One Wants Ex-Cons to Have Guns The New York Times affirms its liberal cred’s. And falls into a rabbit hole.
Again, Kids Die. Again, our “Leaders” Pretend Like the Dem’s, the GOP addresses gun lethality with make-believe
Ban the Damned Things! There’s no “regulating” the threat posed by highly lethal firearms
Massacre Control What can be done to prevent mass shootings?
“Bump Stocks” Aren’t the (Real) Problem Outlawing them is a good idea. But it’s hardly the solution.
Silence Isn’t Always Golden A proposal to deregulate firearm silencers ignores the hazards of policing
A Lost Cause Legislators are ambushed. And a gun-numbed land shrugs and moves on.
Do Gun Laws Work? Are they doing any good? We crunch the numbers to find out.
A Ban in Name Only Pretending to regulate only makes things worse
By Hook or by Crook (Part II) Smart enforcement could “make communities safer” even if new laws are out of reach
By Hook or by Crook (Part I) In a last-ditch effort to stem gun violence, a frustrated Prez turns to executive action
All in the Family Men are gunning down their spouses and children. Is anyone paying notice?
Coming Clean in Santa Barbara Good police work could have prevented a massacre
Half-Hearted Measures Are No Solution Legislative proposals ignore fundamental issues
An Inconvenient Truth For some inner cities, The Great Crime Drop is The Great Myth
Walking While Black (Part II) City officials try to advance a citizen’s implausible self-defense claim
Walking While Black A Florida CCW permittee avoids arrest after killing a 17-year old he mistook as a threat
Turn Off the Spigot As guns flood our communities, trying to change hearts and minds is a non-starter
There’s No Escaping the Gun A prosperous community discovers that mass murder is an equal opportunity threat
Letting Guns Walk Pressed to make a really big case, ATF managers went for broke
The Elephant in the Room Restrict the possession of “ordinary” guns or get used to regular massacres
“Modernization” or “Emasculation”? A deceptively entitled bill seeks to eliminate what little gun dealer oversight there is
Say Something Is society powerless in the face of mass shootings?
Bigger Guns Aren’t Enough Cops need protection from rifle rounds, not just the ability to shoot back
Gun Crazy Welcome to Starbucks. Would you like a box of nine mm’s with your latte?
Shootout at Times Square As the Supreme Court gets set to expand firearms rights, an out-of-State gun brings havoc to the Big Apple
Gun Show and Tell New York City sent private eyes to gun shows. What did they find?
When a Pharmacist Kills States that encourage citizens to use lethal force shouldn’t be surprised when they stretch the limits
America, Gun Purveyor to the Cartels Enforcing the weak-kneed laws that exist is hardly a solution
Don’t Blame the NRA America’s gun culture exacts a toll, but it’s only a small part of the problem
Reviving an Illusion Reinstating the (original) Federal assault weapons ban is a poor idea
Where Do They Come From? Most guns used in crime aren’t stolen; neither did they fall from the sky
Long Live Gun Control Combatting gun trafficking and tightening dealer oversight are key
Gun Control is Dead Gun laws are way down the new Administration’s list of priorities
Who’s Paul D. Clement? Caught up in the gun-rights debate, the Solicitor-General punts
Hillary: “I Shot a Duck” Why arming the public is no solution
Shoot first...then reload! State “castle laws” greatly expand the meaning of self-defense
Disturbed person + gun = killer, disturbed person + assault rifle = mass murderer Neither SWAT nor armed citizens are a solution to the threat posed by assault weapons
Op-ed 9/6/19 Want an assault weapons ban that works? Focus on ballistics.
Op-ed 12/8/15 Ex-ATF Agent: America is only pretending to regulate lethal firearms.
Crime gun sources in Los Angeles (.pdf)
Gun control: facts and myths (.pdf)
Assault weapons: lethality (.pdf)
Insta-check and waiting periods (.pdf)
The Pistol That Killed Officer Heim (.pdf)
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Gun Massacres (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays
Prevention Through Preemption Expanding the scope of policing beyond making arrests (x-ref from GC)
Kids With Guns Ready access and permissive laws create a daunting problem (x-ref from GC)
Ideology (Still) Trumps Reason When it comes to gun laws, “Red” and “Blue” remain in the driver’s seat (x-ref from GC)
Houston, We Have (Another) Problem Fueled by assault rifles, “senseless” murders plague the land (x-ref from GC)
“Legal” Gun Buyers Can be a Problem They figure in many killings, as both doers and enablers (x-ref from GC)
Fearful, Angry, Fuzzy-headed. And Armed. Do “Stand Your Ground” laws increase armed violence? (x-ref from GC)
Are We Helpless to Prevent Massacres? A murderous rampage in Nashville suggests that lawmaking is not a solution (x-ref from GC)
Loopholes are (Still) Lethal Massacres prove no match for America’s intractable gun culture (x-ref from GC)
Massacres, in Slow-Mo Poor Chicagoans complain that their massacre never ends (x-ref from ST)
Good Law / Bad Law When it comes to gun laws, it’s all in the eyes of the beholder (x-ref from GC)
Cops v. Assault Weapons Even the speediest, most expert response may not suffice (x-ref from ST)
Another Day, Another Massacre Pretending to regulate has consequences (x-ref from GC)
When a Dope Can’t be Roped Can social media identify killers before they strike? (x-ref from ST)
Our Never-Ending American Tragedy California’s gun laws are the “strongest in the U.S.” Tell that to its citizens. And its cops. (x-ref from GC)
Four Weeks, Six Massacres Would stronger gun laws help? We crunch the numbers. They’re not reassuring. (x-ref from GC)
Two Weeks, Four Massacres A troubled Colorado man buys a “pistol.” Six days later ten innocents lie dead. (x-ref from GC)
One Week, Two Massacres An Atlanta man buys a pistol. Hours later eight persons lie dead. (x-ref from GC)
Preventing Mass Murder With gun control a no-go, early intervention is key. Might artificial intelligence help? (x-ref from T)
Massacre Control What can be done to prevent mass shootings? (x-ref from GC)
A Lost Cause Legislators are ambushed. And a gun-numbed land shrugs and moves on. (x-ref from GC)
A Stitch in Time Could early intervention save officer and citizen lives? (x-ref from ST)
Coming Clean in Santa Barbara Good police work could have prevented a massacre (x-ref from GC)
There’s No Escaping the Gun A prosperous community discovers that mass murder is an equal opportunity threat (x-ref from GC)
The Elephant in the Room Restrict the possession of “ordinary” guns or get used to regular massacres (x-ref from GC)
Say Something Is society powerless in the face of mass shootings? (x-ref from GC)
Disturbed person + gun = killer, disturbed person + assault rifle = mass murderer Neither SWAT nor armed citizens are a solution to the threat posed by assault weapons (x-ref from GC)
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Immigration (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays all updates
Can You Enforce Without Force? Decriminalizing illegal immigration would have serious consequences
When Walls Collide Ideological quarrels drown out straight talk about border security
Sanctuary Cities, Sanctuary States (Part I) What happens when communities turn their backs on immigration enforcement?
Ideology Trumps Reason Clashing belief systems challenge criminal justice policymaking
Extreme Measures (II) Turning cops into immigration agents invites misconduct and corruption
Extreme Measures Angry over Federal dithering, Arizona enacts its own immigration laws
DOJ v. Sheriff Joe On a mission to quash illegal immigration, a mercurial Arizona sheriff tangles with the Feds (x-ref from CE)
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Neighborhoods (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays
Want Brotherly Love? Don’t Be Poor! Violence is down in Philly, L.A. and D.C. Have the poor noticed? (x-ref from CP)
Is Crime Really Down? It Depends... Even when citywide numbers improve, place really matters (x-ref from CP)
De-Prosecution? What’s That? Philadelphia’s D.A. eased up on lawbreakers. Did it increase crime? (x-ref from CP)
Shutting the Barn Door Three years into its ambitious experiment, Oregon moves to re-criminalize hard drugs (x-ref from Drug Legalization)
America’s Violence-Beset Capital City Washington, D.C. is plagued by, among other things, murder. Has the President noticed? (x-ref from CP)
See No Evil - Hear No Evil Is the violent crime “problem” really all in our heads? (x-ref from CP)
Policing Can’t Fix What Really Ails California’s posturing overlooks a chronic issue (x-ref from CP)
Confirmation Bias can be Lethal Why did a “routine” traffic stop cost a Philadelphia man’s life? (x-ref from CF)
San Antonio Blues Poverty – and what it brings – can impair the quality of policing (x-ref from CF)
Watching the Watchers Will sanctioning its cops bring Minneapolis back? (x-ref from C & E)
Good News/Bad News When citywide crime “falls,” who benefits? (x-ref from CP)
When Worlds Collide Wary cops, uncompliant citizens and troubled communities (x-ref from CF)
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (II) In Memphis, unremitting violence helps sabotage the craft (x-ref from C & E)
Does Race Drive Policing? Renewed concerns that police target Black persons roil Los Angeles (x-ref from CE)
Race and Ethnicity Aren’t Pass/Fail DOJ quashes an attempt to obstruct rentals to Blacks and Hispanics (x-ref from ST)
Does Legal Pot Drive Violence? Marijuana affects judgment. But what do the numbers say? (x-ref from DL)
Worlds Apart...Not! Violence-wise, poor neighborhoods in Oakland and Houston aren’t so different (x-ref from CP)
Hard Times in “The Big Easy” In New Orleans, poverty and crime go together like, well… (x-ref from CP)
Massacres, in Slow-Mo Poor Chicagoans complain that their massacre never ends (x-ref from ST)
A Show-Stopper for Shot-Spotter? Gunshot detection technology leads progressives to cry foul (x-ref from TF)
What’s Up? Violence. Where? Where Else? As usual, poor neighborhoods shoulder most of the burden (x-ref from CP)
Four Weeks, Six Massacres Would stronger gun laws help? We crunch the numbers. They’re not reassuring. (x-ref from GC)
What’s Up With Policing? After one and one-half decades it seems that everything’s changed. And nothing. (x-ref from CE)
“Woke” up, America! Violence besets poor neighborhoods. So why should the well-off care? (x-ref from CP)
Let’s Stop Pretending Cops can’t correct what most needs fixing (x-ref from CP)
The Usual Victims Violent crime is reportedly way up. But do we all suffer equally? (x-ref from CP)
Fix Those Neighborhoods! Creating safe places calls for a comprehensive, organic approach (x-ref from ST) Also see Memo to Joe Biden: Focus on Neighborhood Safety (The Crime Report, Dec. 7, 2020)
Explaining...or Ignoring? In a badly fractured land, the ambush of two deputies unleashes a raft of excuses. And, as usual, no solutions. (x-ref from ST)
White on Black Should Black citizens fear White cops? (x-ref from CF)
Black on Black Are Black citizens better off with Black cops? (x-ref from CF)
Should Police Treat the Whole Patient? Officers deal with the symptoms of social decay. Can they go further? Should they? (x-ref from ST)
Don’t “Divest” - Invest! Stripping money from the police is foolish. So is ignoring the plight of poverty-stricken neighborhoods. (x-ref from CP)
But is it Really “Satan”? A Sheriff’s lament reflects the hopelessness of urban decay (x-ref from CP)
Place Matters Desperate to avoid controversy, politicians avoid the obvious (x-ref from CP)
Did the Times Scapegoat L.A.’s Finest? (Part II) Quit blaming police racism for lopsided outcomes. And fix those neighborhoods! (x-ref from ST)
Human Renewal Despite redevelopment, South Bend’s poverty and crime remain locked in an embrace (x-ref from CP)
Repeat After Us: “City” is Meaningless When it comes to crime, it’s neighborhoods that count (x-ref from CP)
Mission Impossible? Inner-city violence calls for a lot more than cops. Is America up to the task? (x-ref from CP)
Be Careful What You Brag About (I) Is the Big Apple’s extended crime drop all it seems to be? (x-ref from CP)
Be Careful What You Brag About (II) Citywide crime statistics are ripe for misuse (x-ref from CP)
Police Slowdowns II Cops can’t fix what ails America’s inner cities – and shouldn’t try (x-ref from CE)
Is Crime Up or Down? Well, it Depends... It depends on where one sits, when we compare, and on who counts (x-ref from CP)
Is Trump Right About the Inner Cities? America’s low-income communities desperately need a New Deal (x-ref from CP)
Location, Location, Location Crime happens. To find out why, look to where. (x-ref from CP)
Getting Out of Dodge For families caught in dangerous neighborhoods, there is one option (x-ref from CP)
Role Reversal Chicago’s falling apart. Who can make the violence stop? (x-ref from CE)
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Police and the Mentally Ill (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays
Main essay: A Stitch in Time Could early intervention save officer and citizen lives? (x-ref from ST)
Prevention Through Preemption Expanding the scope of policing beyond making arrests (x-ref from GC)
Houston, We Have (Another) Problem Fueled by assault rifles, “senseless” murders plague the land (x-ref from GC)
San Antonio Blues Poverty – and what it brings – can impair the quality of policing (x-ref from CF)
Is Diversion the Answer? California authorized a new approach. Los Angeles ran with it. But, yes, there are limits.
Piling On Swarming unruly citizens and pressing them to the ground invites disaster (x-ref from CF)
Are We Helpless to Prevent Massacres? A murderous rampage in Nashville suggests that lawmaking is not a solution (x-ref from GC)
Does Legal Pot Drive Violence? Marijuana affects judgment. But what do the numbers say? (x-ref from DL)
What Were They Thinking? (II) Examining six recent (and notorious) uses of force (x-ref from CF)
Another Day, Another Massacre Pretending to regulate has consequences (x-ref from GC)
Two Weeks, Four Massacres A troubled Colorado man buys a “pistol.” Six days later ten innocents lie dead. (x-ref from GC)
One Week, Two Massacres An Atlanta man buys a pistol. Hours later eight persons lie dead. (x-ref from GC)
When Must Cops Shoot? (II) “An ounce of prevention…” (Ben Franklin, 1736) (x-ref from ST)
When Must Cops Shoot? (I) Four notorious incidents; four dead citizens. What did officers face? (x-ref from ST)
L.A. Wants “Cahoots.” But Which “Cahoots”? Some politicians demand that officers keep away from "minor, non-violent" crimes (x-ref from ST)
Violent and Vulnerable Some combative citizens may be at heightened risk of death (x-ref from UF)
There’s No “Pretending” a Gun Sometimes split-second decisions are right, even when they’re wrong (x-ref from CF)
Homeless, Mentally Ill, Dead Officers may have beat a troubled man to death. But we all share in the blame. (x-ref from CF)
Red Flag at Half Mast II Preventing more than suicides may carry serious risks (x-ref from GC)
Red Flag at Half Mast California’s Guv nixes expanded protections against risky gun owners (x-ref from GC)
Preventing Mass Murder With gun control a no-go, early intervention is key. Might artificial intelligence help? (x-ref from T)
Three (In?)explicable Shootings Grievous police blunders keep costing citizen lives. Why? (x-ref from CF)
Policing is a Contact Sport (Part II) Tasers are useful. But they’re not risk-free, and over-reliance is a problem. (x-ref from CF)
Disturbed person + gun = killer, disturbed person + assault rifle = mass murderer Neither SWAT nor armed citizens are a solution to the threat posed by assault weapons (x-ref from GC)
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Resources, Selection & Training (newest on top) collected essays
Racial Quarrels Within Policing (II) In San Francisco, White cops allege that color and gender do count
Racial Quarrels Within Policing (I) In Maryland, Black and Hispanic cops complain that color does count
A Risky and Informed Decision Minneapolis P.D. knew better. Yet it hired an applicant, then kept him on.
Should Every Town Field Its Own Cops? Recent tragedies bring into question the wisdom of small agencies
Where Should Cops Live? Officer-citizen conflicts stir renewed interest in residency requirements
“Teaching” Police Departments? That’s Right, Teaching Medical education is advanced as an appropriate model for the police
New Jersey Blues How is the Garden State responding to increased violence? By shedding cops.
Which Way, C.J.? Two John Jay scholars propose that Criminal Justice programs emphasize methodology
Is the Sky About to Fall? Chiefs warn that police cutbacks will lead to a resurgence of crime. Are they right?
Not All Cops Are Blue Internal strife besets two well-regarded police departments
A Larger Force, But At What Cost? As crime falls, LAPD’s growth threatens other city services
Sheriff Baca’s “Police Academy” TV reality shows and police training don’t mix
Cops Matter Sharp cuts in police threaten community safety
What Should It Take to Be Hired? Loose hiring standards and City Hall interference produce inferior recruits
A Town Without Pity Seattle lures police candidates from other cities
At least They’re Consistently Lousy Using sworn deputies for custodial work makes for poor cops and lousy jailers
Keeping our Emperors Clothed What did we know about Eliot Spitzer and Mike Carona? Very little.
LAPD’s thin blue line How many cops does L.A. need? How many can it afford?
The next chief of police should be, first and foremost, a cop
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Stop-and-frisk and Hot Spots (special topic) (newest on top) collected essays
Punishment Isn’t a Cop’s Job (II) In Memphis, unremitting violence helps sabotage the craft (x-ref from C & E)
Worlds Apart...Not! Violence-wise, poor neighborhoods in Oakland and Houston aren’t so different (x-ref from CP)
Massacres, in Slow-Mo Poor Chicagoans complain that their massacre never ends (x-ref from ST)
Backing Off Leaving suspects alone cuts against the grain of policing. But there are few options. (x-ref from ST)
Full Stop Ahead Floyd and the virus upend policing. Some cops react poorly. (x-ref from CE)
Should Police Treat the Whole Patient? Officers deal with the symptoms of social decay. Can they go further? Should they? (x-ref from ST)
Turning Cops Into Liars Keeping score can distort what officers do (x-ref from CE)
A Conflicted Mission An ideologically-fraught quarrel poses unique challenges (x-ref from COVID-19)
A Recipe for Disaster Take an uncertain workplace. Toss in a “mission impossible” and pressures to produce. Voila! (x-ref from CE)
Did the Times Scapegoat L.A.’s Finest? (Part II) Quit blaming police racism for lopsided outcomes. And fix those neighborhoods! (x-ref from ST)
Did the Times Scapegoat L.A.’s Finest? (Part I) Accusations of biased policing derail a stop-and-frisk campaign (x-ref from ST)
Driven to Fail Numbers-driven policing can’t help but offend. What are the options? (x-ref from ST)
Police Slowdowns II Cops can’t fix what ails America’s inner cities - and shouldn’t try (x-ref from CE)
Good Guy/Bad Guy/Black Guy (Part II) Aggressive crime-fighting strategies can exact an unintended toll (x-ref from CF)
Is it Always About Race? Unruly citizens and streets brimming with guns make risk-tolerance a very hard sell (x-ref from CF)
Traffic Stops Aren’t Just About “Traffic” Two instances of using traffic laws to justify drug searches reach the Supreme Court (x-ref from ST)
N.Y.P.D. Blue Allegations of misconduct and corruption beset the nation’s largest police force (x-ref from CE)
Too Much of a Good Thing? NYPD’s expansive use of stop-and-frisk may threaten the tactic’s long-term viability (x-ref from ST)
An Epidemic of Busted Tail Lights LAPD struggles over claims of racial profiling (x-ref from ST)
Of Hot Spots and Band-Aids Intensively policing troubled areas isn’t a lasting remedy (x-ref from ST)
Love your brother -- and frisk him, too! Aggressive patrol strategies have costs other than money (x-ref from ST)
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Strategy & Tactics (newest on top) collected essays
Acting...or Re-acting? An urgent response proves tragically imprecise
Warning: (Frail) Humans at Work Amid chaos and uncertainty, the presence of a gun can prove lethal
When (Very) Hard Heads Collide (II) What should cops do when miscreants refuse to comply? Refuse to comply?
Race and Ethnicity Aren’t Pass/Fail DOJ quashes an attempt to obstruct rentals to Blacks and Hispanics
Massacres, in Slow-Mo Poor Chicagoans complain that their massacre never ends
Cops v. Assault Weapons Even the speediest, most expert response may not suffice
When a Dope Can’t be Roped Can social media identify killers before they strike?
Backing Off Leaving suspects alone cuts against the grain of policing. But there are few options.
A Partner in Every Sense When a K-9 is stabbed its handler opens fire. It’s not the first time.
Regulate. Don’t Obfuscate! Tailor remedies to the workplace. And keep it real!
Fix Those Neighborhoods! Creating safe places calls for a comprehensive, organic approach
When Must Cops Shoot? (II) “An ounce of prevention…” (Ben Franklin, 1736)
When Must Cops Shoot? (I) Four notorious incidents; four dead citizens. What did officers face?
L.A. Wants “Cahoots.” But Which “Cahoots”? Some politicians demand that officers keep away from "minor, non-violent" crimes
R.I.P. Proactive Policing? Volatile situations and imperfect cops guarantee tragic endings
Explaining...or Ignoring? In a badly fractured land, the ambush of two deputies unleashes a raft of excuses. And, as usual, no solutions.
Should Police Treat the Whole Patient? Officers deal with the symptoms of social decay. Can they go further? Should they?
Can the Urban Ship be Steered? Seasoned police leadership. Yet the violence continues.
Did the Times Scapegoat L.A.’s Finest? (Part II) Quit blaming police racism for lopsided outcomes. And fix those neighborhoods!
Did the Times Scapegoat L.A.’s Finest? (Part I) Accusations of biased policing derail a stop-and-frisk campaign
Driven to Fail Numbers-driven policing can’t help but offend. What are the options?
No Such Thing as “Friendly Fire” As good guys and bad ramp up their arsenals, the margin of error disappears
Cops Aren’t Free Agents To improve police practices, look to the workplace
Speed Kills Swift action can save lives. And take them, too.
Routinely Chaotic Rule #1: Don’t let chaos distort the police response. Rule #2: See Rule #1.
A Stitch in Time Could early intervention save officer and citizen lives?
A Matter of Life and Death In an era of highly lethal firearms, keeping patrol informed is job #1
Traffic Stops Aren’t Just About “Traffic” Two instances of using traffic laws to justify drug searches reach the Supreme Court
It’s Amateur Hour in the Southland Goofs by L.A.-area cops generate unwelcome publicity – and probably, at least one lawsuit
Cops Need More Than Body Armor As powerful weapons flood the streets, what can officers do?
Quantity, Quality and the NYPD Has a preoccupation with “numbers” compromised craftsmanship?
The More Things Change... Twenty years after the L.A. Riots, are things really better?
Catch and Release II An “evidence-based” pre-trial release program lands Milwaukee in a pickle
Murder, Interrupted? Searching for violence-reduction strategies other than hard-nosed policing
Catch and Release Sometimes there really is no substitute for common sense
LAPD Got it Right Ousting Occupiers on its own schedule, with sensitivity and attention to detail
A Delicate Balance Can police best help a democracy flourish by intervening or by artfully holding back?
When One Goof is One Too Many Pilots use checklists. Physicians, too. Why not detectives?
Forty Years After Kansas City Specialized teams may be dandy, but patrol still counts
Translational? That’s Right, Translational A new paradigm seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice
Risky Business Warrant service is killing cops
Lessons of St. Pete Police tactics remain stagnant while officer killings continue to rise
Having Your Cake, and Eating it Too! Two noted economists say we can reduce imprisonment and crime. But what kind of crime?
Fighting the Wall Street Mob Feds use wiretaps and “cooperating witnesses” to expose insider trading
An Epidemic of Busted Tail Lights LAPD struggles over claims of racial profiling
R.I.P. Community Policing? Reclaiming professionalism sounds great, but it begs an underlying issue
What’s More Lethal Than a Gun? Officers have more to fear from accidents than from criminals
Too Much of a Good Thing? NYPD’s expansive use of stop-and-frisk may threaten the tactic’s long-term viability
See No Evil, Speak No Evil Why don’t witnesses come forward? Often, for a very good reason.
A Very Dubious Achievement Camden PD fights crime and violence. And its own officers.
Missed Signals In hindsight everything’s simple. But policing takes a lot more than hindsight.
Hidden in Plain Sight The unintended consequences of sloppy policing
Slapping Lipstick on the Pig (Part III) Simple policing strategies are the best
Slapping Lipstick on the Pig (Part II) “Proving” that crime-control strategies work is laden with pitfalls
Slapping Lipstick on the Pig (Part I) Do elaborate violence-reduction initiatives make a difference?
Science is Back. No, Really! DOJ promises that, henceforth, research will drive crime control policy
Oakland: How could it happen? Dissecting the murder of four police officers, and its implications
Who’s Guarding the Henhouse? (Part II) The devastating legacy of Al Gore’s reinvention movement
What Can Cops Really Do? Specialized teams can help, but their officers must come from somewhere
Who’s Guarding the Henhouse? While Madoff pulled off the heist of the century, who was watching?
Crime-Fighting on a Budget When money’s tight can we afford specialized units?
Intrusions “Happen,” Good Police Work Doesn’t Home intrusions by homicidal strangers may be more common than police imagine
The Gangs of L.A. To rid a city of gangs, look to the basics first
There’s no easy solution The domestic arms race has made police work exceedingly risky
Of Hot Spots and Band-Aids Intensively policing troubled areas isn’t a lasting remedy
To Discover the Truth When kids tell tall tales the consequences can be grave
Love your brother -- and frisk him, too! Aggressive patrol strategies have costs other than money
Who rioted in MacArthur Park? Bratton, who wasn’t there, moves swiftly to censure those who were
The craft of policing (.pdf)
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Technology & Forensics (newest on top) collected essays
A Show-Stopper for Shot-Spotter? Gunshot detection technology leads progressives to cry foul
Technology’s Great - Until It’s Not Police love Rapid DNA and facial recognition but hate encryption. Privacy advocates beg to differ.
Is Your Uncle a Serial Killer? Police scour DNA databanks for the kin of unidentified suspects
People do Forensics Conflicts about oversight neglect a fundamental issue
Better Late Than Never (Part II) DOJ proposes rules for forensic testimony. Do they go far enough?
Better Late Than Never (Part I) A “hair-raising” forensic debacle forces DOJ’s hand
A Dead Man’s Tales Apple extends posthumous protections to a dead terrorist’s cell phone
State of the Art...Not! Forensics, six years after the NAS report
Taking the Bite Out of Bite Marks Should bite mark evidence go down for the count?
Freedom From the Press Encryption keeps police radio traffic from prying ears. Including the media’s.
A Day Late, a Warrant Short An investigative delay puts warrantless electronic tracking in front of the Supremes
Don’t Blame the Messenger When jurors say that a case doesn’t add up, we ought to pay attention
A New Crystal Ball Reliability concerns plague a widely-used test for psychopathy
One Size Doesn’t Fit All Overuse of Shaken Baby Syndrome may have led to many miscarriages of justice
Predictive Policing: Rhetoric or Reality? New data-mining techniques promise to reinvent policing. Again.
The Killers of L.A. DNA nabs three serial killers in four years, most recently through a familial search
More Labs Under the Gun Resource issues, poor oversight and pressures to produce keep plaguing crime labs
DNA: Proceed With Caution Subjectivity can affect the interpretation of mixed samples
Would You Bet Your Freedom on a Dog’s Nose? Dog scent evidence comes under fire
What’s the D.A. Want From the Sheriff? The DNA lab, of course. Or if he can get it, everything.
DNA’s Dandy, But What About Body Armor? As lethal threats to police increase, protection languishes -- but there’s hope
N.A.S. to C.S.I.: Shape Up! Putting the “science” back in forensics won’t be simple
Forensics Under the Gun Commonly accepted techniques may lack scientific value
Labs Under the Gun Can police crime laboratories be trusted?
Mindboarding Is brain scanning the new polygraph?
Beat the Odds, Go to Jail DNA random match probabilities may be overstated
C.S.I. They’re Not Lab goofs and dueling “experts” give forensics a black eye
Polygraph: science or sorcery? Its usefulness is mostly as a prop
The Myth of Profiling Pop psychology can lead investigators astray
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Terrorism (newest on top) collected essays
Was a Dope Roped? A trial judge thought so. But an appellate court disagreed.
Taking Missiles From Strangers One wannabe heads to prison. Another waits his turn. Should we be relieved?
Means, Ends and 9/11 Extraordinary measures beget extraordinary consequences
Preventing Mass Murder With gun control a no-go, early intervention is key. Might artificial intelligence help?
Notching a “Win” A self-professed “sleeper agent” is (legally) flimflammed by the FBI
Make-Believe Surprise! A well-known terrorist winds up in the U.S. as a refugee
Loose Lips Enable Terrorists Safeguard sources and methods. Or wish that you had.
After the Fact Ordinary policing strategies can’t prevent terrorism
Sometimes There is no Second Chance Preventing horrific terrorist attacks may require new legal rules
A Fearful Nation Is extremism in the defense of liberty a virtue?
Written, Produced and Directed A disturbing legacy of roping in dopes, with no end in sight
The Long Arm of the Law America stings foreign arms and drug traffickers with a powerful narco-terror law
A Dangerous Loser Did a Saudi student come to America with murder in his heart?
Taking Bombs From Strangers How far should the Government go in fighting terrorism?
They Didn’t Read Police Issues Two more wannabe Jihadists accept bombs from the FBI
The Men Who Talked Too Much For those in the Federal bulls-eye the entrapment defense offers little refuge
Closing the “Terror Gap” Concerns about gun rights trump worries about terrorism
Flying Under the Radar Can terrorists be caught before they act?
Is This What the Framers Intended? Economic woes and inflammatory rhetoric feed a resurgence of extremism
Doing Nothing, Redux What’s more frightening than terrorism? Relying on analysts to prevent it.
Dopes, Not Roped More losers get hurled, or hurl themselves, at America. Should we tremble?
The Face of Evil Holocaust Museum shooter part of an extensive, loosely-federated hate movement
Rope-a-Dope Now that five Liberty City plotters stand convicted, should we feel safer?
Torture: Who Decides? The real dilemma’s not about using torture -- it’s about authorizing it
Damned if they do, even if they could Pressures to make arrests distract FBI agents from pursuing worthwhile targets
Making terrorists (Part II) Change the law! Relaxing the standards for electronic interceptions can be a good idea
If You Can’t Find a Terrorist, Make One! Encouraging Jihadist wannabees is the wrong approach
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Wrongful Conviction (newest on top) collected essays
A Matter of Facts Did flawed science place an innocent man on death row?
Switching Sides St. Louis’ D.A. argues that a man condemned on his predecessor’s watch is in fact innocent
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Cop Recent exonerees set soul-wrenching records for length of wrongful imprisonment
Damn the Evidence - Full Speed Ahead! Lousy policing and thoughtless prosecution cost three innocent men decades in prison
A Victim of Circumstance Building cases with circumstantial evidence calls for exquisite care
Fewer Can Be Better Murder clearances have declined. Should we worry?
Accidentally on Purpose A remarkable registry challenges conventional wisdom about the causes of wrongful conviction
Guilty Until Proven Innocent Pressures to solve notorious crimes can lead to tragic miscarriages of justice
Is a Case Ever Too “Cold”? Citing factual errors, an Illinois prosecutor successfully moves to free a convicted killer
When Seeing Shouldn’t be Believing A long-awaited report offers best practices in eyewitness identification
Wrongful and Indefensible Coerced confessions cost two innocent men thirty years in prison
The Tip of the Iceberg Hooray for the exonerated! But what about everyone else?
A Railroad Job? Dueling experts and manipulative interrogation cast a shadow over a conviction
The “Witches” of West Memphis Outraged citizens called them killers. They were wrong.
False Confessions Don’t Just “Happen” When expediency is the more important value, tragedy follows
Rush to Judgment (Part II) By now, every cop knows that witness ID can be chancy. Right?
Time or Money If you haven’t the bucks for a good lawyer, get ready to do the time
No End in Sight DNA exonerations of the wrongfully convicted continue as non-DNA work heats up
Dead Man Walking Kevin Cooper has had his appeals. Guilty or not, he will soon meet his maker.
DOJ: Texas Executed an Innocent Man Before a national audience, experts confirm what was long suspected
Baby Steps Aren’t Enough Protections against miscarriages of justice must be embedded within the system
Playing With Fire Journalism students double as advocates for the wrongfully convicted
What If There’s No DNA? When biological evidence is lacking, the wrongfully convicted may be stuck
House of Cards Evidence isn’t better just because there’s lots of it: it must also be true
Never Say Die When should prosecutors quit clinging to a case?
Can We Outlaw Wrongful Convictions (Part II)? Legislator proposes banning showups and recording all interrogations
Can We Outlaw Wrongful Convictions? Are sequential, double-blind lineups really the answer?
Miscarriages of justice: a roadmap for change To prevent wrongful convictions, education is key
The Ten Deadly Sins Why do miscarriages of justice keep happening?
Near Misses Six chilling examples of an imperfect criminal justice system
A very rightful conviction Crying wolf over a well-deserved conviction
The Usual Suspects Having a record makes it far more likely to be mistakenly arrested
.027 Rules! How many wrongful convictions have there been? A lot more than what’s known!
Believe It...Or Not! Despite prosecutors’ best efforts, a wrongfully imprisoned woman gets a break
If it Doesn’t Fit... Why do prosecutors resist post-conviction DNA analysis?
Your Lying Eyes Poor witness ID + pressure to solve a crime = tragedy
Governor to CCFAJ: drop dead Bowing to cops and victim groups, the Guvernator nixes justice reforms
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